Labs - Electronic Agenda Management System

We are currently working on rolling out a new application that replaces the agenda management solutions from our competitors.
EvoAgendas is our new agenda builder and management solution for local government agencies that require a workflow system for creating and managing their meeting agendas staff reports, and other meeting content.

The AgendaBuilder+ Workflow (currently in Alpha stage):

Department Staff Reports

  • Each department in your organization logs into our secure staff portal for your organization at a secure address like "".
  • The staff portal can use emails to login, or OpenID Connect to use your existing Microsoft Server for quick authentication. Facebook logins for outside users are being added later.
  • Staff reports are then created and uploaded by each department, through the secure staff portal.
  • Word document content can be integrated to to create the reports.
  • Necessary approvals for the staff reports are created by the department heads by selecting the people that need to .

    Examples of approvals:
    • City Attorney approval.
    • Fire Marshal approval.
    • Finance Department approval.
    • Human Resources approval.
    • More - these would be customizable approval checkboxes.
  • Staff reports include versioning, so any changes are tracked and saved as separate version.
  • Additional files can be attached to each staff report.
  • Any media type is acceptable, including PDF, Word Documents, MS Office files, Images, CAD drawings, etc.
  • When the department's staff report is complete, the staff report is sent to the listed people that need to approval
    • Emails are sent automatically to approval staff.
    • SMS text messages are sent to approval staff (if configured).
    • Notes can be appended to the report and it can be kicked back to the department.
    • Approvals can be added with a checkbox, and attributed to specific staff members.
  • Status levels can be customized for your staff reports, and the change as the report is approved.
  • Staff reports that are not approved are "kicked back" to the department head for editing, with notes entered which are tracked.

Staff Report Dashboard

This is a report screen in your secured Intranet that shows the status of all staff reports for your next meeting, who they are waiting on for approval, etc.
Any notes on the report status is visible here.

Live Meeting Document Attachments with Wet Signature Support

Wet signature documents and agreements are photographed at the live meeting, and appended to the Minutes through EvoAgendas.

Minutes Posted to Website, Meeting Calendars and Social Media

Once approved, minutes can be posted to;

  • Meeting Calendars in the website.
  • Files are indexed for search in the Meeting Calendar.
  • Facebook push with a note about the recent minutes and a hyperlink.
  • Staff Report archive.
  • Department areas.

iPad-Friendly Interface

Council members will have an iPad friendly interface for browsing agenda topics, packets, minutes, staff reports, and other attachments.

Meeting Video Integration

The goal here is to tag the timeline of meeting videos to create a table of contents for the agenda topics.
Visitors click on an agenda topic, and the video player jumps to that part of the video.