Benefits - Web Forms Create Secure Databases

With EvoGov, your website forms are more secure, and contain more data exporting options than with any other vendor.

  1. Submissions
    1. All form submissions are stored in a SQL database before they are emailed.
    2. Your employees can't modify these records for compliance reasons.
    3. If an email is deleted, you retain a record of every form submission in the CMS.
  2. Versioning
    1. All updates to the design of your forms are stored as versions that can be rolled-back.
    2. Any changes to forms are tracked so that you know who worked on them and when.
  3. Permissions
    1. In addition to application access and user roles, you can lock down specific forms to specific users and departments.
  4. Easy Excel Exports
    1. Export your form data to CSV / Excel in one step.
    2. You can choose a date range for your exports.
    3. Enables you to use forms for new purposes like event registrations.
