Base CMS Features - Maps - Parks and Recreation

EvoGov includes an integrated Parks and Recreation Map system with your new website project.

Incredible Turn-Key Park Maps are Included with Your Website Project

The Livermore California Parks and Recreation District website maps were built by EvoGov


Parks and Recreation Map Features

Park Amenities

Amenities enable you to highlight the features of each of your parks by choosing the available amenities that are pre-loaded.
Icons from the National Parks Service are loaded, and these are displayed for each park.

Facility Booking

  • Enable booking of your facilities online.
  • Booking calendar is shown on the facility page.
  • Booked events show only after approval by your authorized team members.


  • Mark trailheads by placing markers on the maps.
  • Import GIS data of trails by importing ESRI shape files.

Class Registrations and Signups

  • Create signup forms for recreation classes on your website.
  • Accept payments for classes using a credit card payment processor.
  • Show events on both an event calendar and also on the facilities.